Christ is Prophet, Priest and Potentate

Rev. David Miller preached a powerful message on Christ and the Church from Matthew 16:13-18 this past Thursday at Southern Seminary Chapel. Here’s a powerful quote from the “country minister at-large”:

He, the one who founded the church is omnipresent and the heaven of heavens cannot contain him. He is omniscient and the haughty and high minded cannot comprehend him. He is ominipotent and the host of hell cannot conquer him. He is the Son of the Living God. He’s the one who founded the Church. […]In his relationship to the church, Jesus is prophet, priest and potentate:Let me tell you that as a prophet He has convictions; as a priest He has credentials; as a potentate He has a crown.Let me tell you that as a prophet He is infallible; as a priest is impeccable; as a potentate He is incomparable. He has the perception of a prophet; He has the perfections of a priest; and He has the prerogatives of a potentate.As a prophet he is wise; as a priest he is worthy; and as a potentate He is worshiped.

Christ is Prophet, Priest and Potentate

Rev. David Miller preached a powerful message on Christ and the Church from Matthew 16:13-18 this past Thursday at Southern Seminary Chapel. Here’s a powerful quote from the “country minister at-large”:

He, the one who founded the church is omnipresent and the heaven of heavens cannot contain him. He is omniscient and the haughty and high minded cannot comprehend him. He is ominipotent and the host of hell cannot conquer him. He is the Son of the Living God. He’s the one who founded the Church. […]

In his relationship to the church, Jesus is prophet, priest and potentate:

Let me tell you that as a prophet He has convictions; as a priest He has credentials; as a potentate He has a crown.

Let me tell you that as a prophet He is infallible; as a priest is impeccable; as a potentate He is incomparable. He has the perception of a prophet; He has the perfections of a priest; and He has the prerogatives of a potentate.

As a prophet he is wise; as a priest he is worthy; and as a potentate He is worshiped.

A Review of The Doctrine of God by John Frame

This is a review of

Frame, John. The Doctrine of God. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed, 2002.864 pp. $39.99

Copyright ?? 2007 by Alex S. Leung. All rights reserved.



The popularity of J.I. Packer???s classic book, Knowing God (1973), is evidence to the widespread desire in today???s church to reclaim the center of Christianity in the knowledge of God. In recent times, the need to understand why major disasters and calamities have occurred underscores the yearning of the society at large to understand who God is and why He does what He does, why He would allow so much suffering to occur if He is truly good. More recently, in response to 9/11 or the bridge collapse in Minnesota, many Christians are even questioning whether or not God truly had control of the events. Some have argued that God allows and uses suffering in the world to amplify the dire need in people to repent of their sins, including unbelief, and to put their trust in the atoning work of Christ on the cross. In spite of this, many still are left dumbfounded by life???s circumstances about the will of God in all these things.This pervasive rejection of the God of Scripture in secularism and alternative spirituality and religions compels us as Christ???s ambassadors to call unbelievers to be reconciled with God (2 Cor 5:20). What this undeniably implies is that we actually know this God of whom we confess, so that we would be ready in season and out of season, to give a biblical defense for the hope we have in Jesus Christ (2 Tim 4:2; 1Pet 3:15). While postmodern epistemology may be accurate to assert that we cannot exhaustively know everything about God, we can however know with certainty everything that God has explicitly revealed about himself in Scripture. In ???The Doctrine of God???, John Frame, professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, provides a concise exposition of theology proper as defined in Scripture. Continue reading