Music Monday

This is another Music Monday coming to you on a late Monday night. I’ve had a long day of getting checked-in to my dorm room at SBTS, grocery shopping, and driving through downtown Louisville for a brief tour of the downtown area with my family. It’s been a very long day, and it’ll be sad to say goodbye to them, once they leave back for Toronto in the morning.The song I thought of for today’s feature is from Amanda Ghost, titled “Silver Lining“. I believe it was featured in the old romantic drama, Sweet November, which starred ever handsome Keanu Reeves and ever beautiful Charlize Theron. According to Encarta, silver lining means benefit from adversity: something that offers hope or benefit in a situation that is generally adverse. Hopefully, we may all find a silver lining in those adverse times in life, and especially in terms of seeing the hand of the LORD God working all those bad times into a good for us and glory to Him.[audio: out the lyrics here: Continue reading