What should I wear to church?

I found this in my email drafts folder. It was originally intended for the worship team at my home church which I was a part of, and I guess this never got sent. The question is really about whether or not we should dress up to church. I recall I started writing this email because my team leader imposed a strict rule on us worship team members: no jeans! But I wanted to wear jeans, as I do wear my best for God on Sundays and most of the congregation wears jeans to church too — I don’t want them to feel unwelcomed, as if they need to live up to a certain dress-code or unwritten church standard in order to be accepted!

Anyways, I’m in Louisville now… and I’m afraid of wearing jeans to church in fears of being shunned LOL “You’re a seminary student @ Southern?!–and you’re wearing jeans to church–are you crazy?!” Jokes 🙂 But still, it’s something to think about…

Hi team,
Interestingly enough, I just read this article about church dress code from Pastor Mark Driscoll on his website.

Here’s a brief excerpt:
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If There’s One Thing

Too often, my wayward, deceitful heart does what it naturally is inclined to do–it deceives me. It tricks me into thinking that if I just could have that one thing, then everything will be fine! Everything will be A-OK, I will be happy — no longer distracted, anxious or worrisome — and all things in my life would fall into place! While that one thing has been put in me by God, it was never intended to have such a high place in my heart; that selfish place that it has in my life I have lifted it up there myself. Continue reading

If There’s One Thing

Too often, my wayward, deceitful heart does what it naturally is inclined to do–it deceives me. It tricks me into thinking that if I just could have that one thing, then everything will be fine! Everything will be A-OK, I will be happy — no longer distracted, anxious or worrisome — and all things in my life would fall into place! While that one thing has been put in me by God, it was never intended to have such a high place in my heart; that selfish place that it has in my life I have lifted it up there myself.
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I am poor and needy

A prayer and reflection on Psalm 40O Lord my God, I am poor and needy. Remember me and forget not my needs, my desires, for they are aspirations that are all for you and for your body, for your glory and your people???s good. You are my only true help and deliverer. In you alone I trust! Upon you I wait for my deliverance; O Lord, do not delay!I seek you in thy Word, Father, and not in the vain pleasures of the world. Vanity is deceiving, but I know that you search my inner most being. You search my heart and my soul, and may you find within only an earnest zeal for knowing you. May I find joy and happiness in your person; may you give freely the person of your Son. For He alone has paid the price for which I could not pay, for the sins and transgressions of my hands, that I may be counted righteous in your sight. I rejoice because I can call you ???Father???, and you call me ???Beloved, my son???. But if it was not for your one and only begotten Son, such would not be possible. Continue reading